What should a woman be aware of before engaging in a femdom spitting scene?

Ah, the age-old custom of femdom spitting - a classic pastime for sure! If you’re a woman who’s interested in engaging in a femdom spitting scene, there are several things you should consider before embarking on this particular venture.
Firstly, and most importantly, you should be sure to practice extreme caution. Femdom spitting should only be done with an explicit understanding between both parties and must always involve the use of safe words. Before beginning, both parties should agree on appropriate boundaries and safety protocols.
Second, you should be certain to communicate your desires clearly both before and during the scene. Femdom spitting is a very intimate activity and it’s best to be open about your comfort level before engaging in any wet activities.
Third, make sure you are well equipped. This means having the proper adornments such as latex gloves, goggles, mouthguard, and of course, plenty of spit! You should also ensure you have a supply of clean, fresh towels on hand.
Fourth, be sure to practice proper hygiene before and after any femdom spitting. The area should be cleaned before and after the scene and it’s important to wash your hands before and after as well.
Finally, perhaps the most important thing to remember when engaging in a femdom spitting scene is to have fun! In the spirit of consensual sadism, it can be exhilarating to dominate and be subjugated at the same time. So don’t take it too seriously and enjoy the experience!
Now get out there and enjoy your femdom spitting scene!What are some of the riskiest financial moves that a financial dominatrix might make?It's a tough call – financial dominatrices are, by nature, risk-takers. After all, making bank takes a certain sense of fearlessness. But despite their daring, there are certain risky moves they may engage in that we wouldn't necessarily recommend.
For starters, gambling and investing in stocks and derivatives are activities that could potentially reap huge rewards but also pose a huge risk if not done correctly. After all, no one likes to be on the losing side of such moves. Financial dominatrices may also take huge risks if they fail to diversify their portfolios, as an overexposure to one sector increases the chance of a guru misfire.
Other financial risks that might be taken up by the most daring financial dominatrices include taking speculative leaps. Leveraged buyouts and speculating on currency markets can bring substantial returns but also carry the risk of a potential crash. The same can be said of investing in companies or markets before the full information is known.
Of course, there are still bigger risks that some financial dominatrices might take. Aspiring to launch their own companies or investing in start-ups for a substantial stake in the company are certainly gutsy moves. Any misinformed decision could lead to a losing venture, leaving the dominatrix with empty pockets – in more ways than one.
No matter what you're doing with your money, it’s important to act responsibly and understand the risks associated with any financial move. Financial dominatrices are no exception – it’s important to remember that taking risks doesn't always pay off. After all, with great risk comes great responsibility. Have you got the guts to make the moves needed to become a financial dominatrix? We’ll leave that up to you.


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